Thursday, May 29, 2014

Commit to the Lord

I find that this quote from Proverbs 16:3 is a good reminder for us to commit everything to the Lord as it is a sure way for us to succeed. Isn't this great?

The photo is a bunch of bamboo leaves photographed against the sky. Looking up the sky always makes me see things from a whole new perspective.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Pope John XXIII, on what is still possible

I love this quote from Pope John XXIII, now saint.  It is so inspiring and motivating. It exhorts us to never give up on our dreams or unfulfilled potential or what is still possible to do.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Three things to be truly happy

I love this quote from Tom Bodett. It's so simple yet so powerful! These three things are something we can easily do.


The photo is a bottle brush flower, a Callistemon species. The shrub kind is endemic to Australia. I got this photo though while I was in Malaysia and it is from a tree, not a shrub.